Slide Photo Clock

4.1 ( 1091 ratings )
유틸리티 라이프 스타일
비어 있는

Alarm feature and Music feature added as many of users wanted from long time ago.

Slide Photo Clock is a unique clock app with animating wallpapers.

Slide Photo Clock = Clock + Animation Wallpapers.

Each photo moves from left to right side in a portrait orientation.
Panorama photos are also included.
If you have a charging dock, it will be more fun.

Just use it, and then you may know why this app is unique.
The key point of this app is

- Moving action for each photo.( one way or both way)
- Preload wallpapers provided.
- Animation between images.
- Auto Lock
This app is designed only for a portrait mode for now.
Requires Iphone OS 3.1.2 or Later.